Our expertise is based on a network of 180 local experts in 80 countries spread over 5 continents.
With seasoned experts in 80 countries, we provide our customers with trusted local representatives, allowing them to manage their international development in a cost-effective and de-risked manner.
We support our customers in one or more countries simultaneously, to find customers, agents, distributors or suppliers.
For companies who already have a significant level of business in a country but who do not have a subsidiary in that territory, we are here to help. We can recruit and host a dedicated local employee in one of our offices.
A turnkey solution -
efficient, flexible, and hassle-free!
Of course, we also work on commercial or industrial implementation projects: creation of subsidiaries, opening of agencies, joint ventures, mergers / acquisitions.
Our clients are SMEs from mid-cap companies, international groups as well as interprofessional bureaux and cover all sectors of activity.